December 2022 Updates

There were no updates to the database in November but a few in December:

  • 3 records had edits to the date the ship sunk
  • 5 records were moved to more accurate locations
  • 1 new record was added

These days, since I seemed to have mined most of what is available online there aren’t many changes. But occasionally I do come across information that allows me to add in a new record. That was the case for the German corvette UJ 201 Egeria. has a few shipwreck locations listed on its site, all within the Adriatic off its east coast. One of them was the Egeria. Included on the site is a detailed description of the events that led to its destruction on the last day of February, 1944. For a shortened description of the events, visit my Instagram post on the ship.

UJ 201 Egeria in happier days

Find the ship (and others) on the map.

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