July 2023 Updates

Updates for this month:

  • 107 records edited (additonal links, spelling corrections)
  • 132 records moved to better locations
  • 5 records deleted
  • 27 new additions

The following vessels were added to the database:

  • Adjbi, sunk January 24, 1943 off the coast of Tunisia
  • Alessandro Volta, sunk March 22, 1943 off the coast of Sicily
  • British Inventor, sunk June 13, 1940 off the south coast of England
  • Cabedello, sunk February 25, 1942 in the middle Atlantic Ocean
  • Elisabeth, sunk April 7, 1941 off the south coast of England
  • Gladiator, sunk May 21, 1941off the coast of Croatia
  • Guglielmo Marconi, sunk January 20, 1943 off the coast of Tunisia
  • Intrepido, sunk October 26, 1940 off the coast of Libya
  • Irma, sunk January 20, 1943 off the coast of Libya
  • Istria, sunk August 27, 1942 between Libya and Crete
  • La Mora, sunk June 12, 1940 off the west coast of Italy
  • Lindbergh, sunk February 19, 1943 off the south coast of England
  • Listrac, sunk October 17, 1940 off the south coast of England
  • Littoria, sunk February 4, 1943 off the coast of Montenegro
  • Lodoletta, sunk August 3, 1940, off the coast of Libya
  • Madonna di Porto Salvo, sunk April 10, 1943 off the west coast of Italy
  • Mafalda, sunk January 31, 1945 off the west coast of Italy
  • Manfred Camperio, sunk Agust 27, 1942 west of Crete
  • Margottini, sunk February 10, 1943 off the coast of Montenegro
  • Maria G, sunk January 21, 1941 off the coast of Sardinia
  • Monginevro, sunk April 17, 1943 off the coast of Tunisia
  • Monti, sunk March 22, 1943 off the coast of Tunisia
  • Nereus, sunk March 25, 1941 off the coast of Sicily
  • Octaviano Augusto, sunk November 1, 1943 near Ancona, Italy (read about it on Instagram)
  • Rinova, sunk February 11, 1940 off the south coast of England
  • Savoia, sunk July 18, 1944 near Ancona, Italy (read about it on Instagram)
  • Stanwood, sunk December 10, 1939 off the south coast of England
The Italian liner Savioa in happier days

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